Saturday, June 14, 2014

Welcome Aboard

My name is Daniel O'Dette, and like I said on the description to the site, I am a writer.

I've been writing for years, actually, as long as I can remember. Very few things I have finished, and I doubt that'll change with the existence of this blog, but one can only hope.

My writing style is typically realistic, though if I'm particularly bored I will range into the campy feel that one would get from an 80s action movie or a 40s television serial (don't worry, I try not to lapse into too many cliches when I do this). On average, my stories revolve around larger conflicts and being a "cog in the machine", be it a war or some other large scale event.

Inspirations for my writing range from George R. R. Martin to Tom Clancy, the latter being someone I read all throughout my late childhood and teenage years. I've started reading Martin recently, and I've been hoping to draw influence from his use of details and wheels-within-wheels.

You'll understand that I won't use this blog to share personal information; this is devoted to writing and writing-related activities, such as game mechanics for a theoretical video game (I don't know square one for game-design, but that doesn't mean I can't come up with ideas for a game I would like to play. Perhaps I could forward the ideas to someone in the industry someday).

That's about all I have to say. If you're new here, find a post and start reading. The majority of the stories are chapters in a larger novel, if you will, so it's best to start at the beginning (I will always make them in the following style: "Story Name-Chapter Number-Chapter Name". Logically, if this is a stand alone, it will be just "Story Name").

Enjoy your stay, and welcome aboard!

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